Do you feel like you hold back in the bedroom?
Or maybe you lack the confidence to experience the sexual depth and connection you desire?
Do your sexual challenges stop you from experiencing yourself and your partner fully?
Sexual prowess can be learned like everything else in life. Don’t buy into the myth that if you weren’t born a naturally epic lover that you have to settle for a life of mediocrity in the bedroom.
Like all of the arts it takes some practice, some dedication and a little instruction.
Being guided by Krista, I have compassionately been shown what lies beyond the edge of the self-constructed confines of my mind and provided with the space to heal and reconstruct my beliefs around intimacy. Krista makes the magic and bliss within every moment a palpable experience.
A 2 day weekend workshop will start you on the journey in the ancient practice of Tantra.
A weekend workshop devoted to the refinement of your Tantric practices and further explorations.
This intoxicating 7 week series is devoted to starting or deepening your practice in Tantra.
This is a unique residential experience to share with your partner.